Board » Committees


The NSA Board creates standing advisory committees to assist with policy setting and the long-term strategic operation of the school. These committees consist of school staff, parents, community members and at least one Board member.

Active Advisory Committees

The purpose of NSA’s School Academic Accountability Committee (SAAC) is to inform, encourage, and provide opportunities for parent and community members to be involved in the planning and evaluation of the school’s instructional program and quality improvement processes.  Learn more about the SAAC Committee.

The NSA Finance Committee works directly with the Treasurer of the Board of Directors to oversee the financial affairs of the school, assist with budgets and review and make recommendations to the Board about the financial affairs and policies of NSA. Learn more about the NSA Finance Committee.

Get Involved

If you are interested in joining a committee, please visit the committee page regarding open seats and the application process. Prior to joining a committee, every member is expected to read and sign the NSA Committee Member Code of Conduct.

For additional information, email [email protected].