Volunteers » Traffic Information

Traffic Information

To ensure the safety of our students NSA relies on ALL families to help with Traffic Duty.  At NSA, each Household volunteers a minimum of six (6) shifts per academic year (either AM, PM or a combination) during the month(s) their child’s grade level is required to participate (e.g. Middle School families volunteer in August, September, & October).  Traffic Duty DOES apply toward Volunteer Hours.  For additional information on Traffic Duty, please access our Volunteer Handbook.

Traffic Questions:  Contact [email protected] 

General Information

  • All NSA Households participate in Traffic Duty for a minimum of 6 shifts per school year.
  • Traffic volunteer months are assigned based on GRADE LEVEL (we start with Middle School).
  • Shifts can be morning, afternoon, or a combination of both.
  • Volunteer hour credits earned for each shift worked as follows:
    • Morning Shift – 1 hour volunteer credit
    • Afternoon Shift – 2 hour volunteer credit
    • Kindie Shift – 1/2 hour volunteer credit

In the event that you are unable to fulfill your scheduled shift it is your responsibility to find a replacement from the substitution list posted on the NSA website or via NSA Parents group on Facebook. If you are not able to find a replacement we ask that you notify the Traffic AVC as soon as possible.

Please note: Traffic Duty is NOT listed as an Interest in TIF (something you sign up to participate in) since ALL Households participate. Traffic Duty hours are logged via our TIF Digital Sign-in Kiosk at each shift.

If you enjoy Traffic Duty and would like to work additional shifts above and beyond your six (6) shifts, sign up to be a Traffic Duty Substitute by selecting ‘Traffic Duty Substitute’ as an ‘Interest’ in TIF. We ask that you do NOT randomly show up for Traffic Duty or sign yourself up to work via the Traffic Duty sign in sheet. You must be contacted by or speak to a Traffic AVC to be scheduled for Traffic Duty. Contact [email protected] with questions.