Volunteers » Management System

Management System


NSA uses a web-based Volunteer Management System called Track it Forward to help manage all our Volunteer information.  You are able to select 'Interests' [things you would be interested in helping with], sign-up for events / activities in our Events Calendar, Log Volunteer Hours and Track Milestones all in one convenient system!

The information is password-protected and the site is secure so the information is only available to authorized members of our school.

NSA Track it Forward Log-In

Please log hours regularly!

During the school year, please ensure you are logging your worked volunteer hours on a regular and consistent basis.   Volunteer Hours can be logged Manually, via our Check-in / Check-out Kiosk or via our Digital Sign-in Kiosk.  We DO log some volunteer hours for you as follows:

  • Traffic is logged by our Traffic Supervisors via Checking In / Out for your Traffic Shift at the Kiosk
  • Donations (Receipts must be clearly labeled with name and what donation is for)
  • Purchased Volunteer Hours (Complete the Purchase Volunteer Hours Form)
  • King Soopers (Donation amount screen shot is required during Quarterly Processing Window)

If you have questions, please contact Courtney Smith at [email protected].