Board Overview

Join us for the next Board of Directors Meeting
October 28th at 7:00am in the NSA Library

The North Star Academy Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer parents and community members whose duty is to uphold the mission and vision of the school. The board is responsible for overseeing the general policy direction, long-term strategic planning and financial oversight at NSA. The board delegates the day-to-day operations of the school to the NSA Principal.

The Board of Directors meets every month for an open-forum meeting and conducts additional work sessions and executive sessions, as needed. The meeting date and time will be posted on the NSA website.

How to Contact the Board

1) E-mail: Our e-mail address is [email protected]. This email goes directly to the five board members. It does not include administration or staff. Emails for individual board members are listed on the Directors page.

2) Board Meetings: Monthly board meetings, by law, are open to the public. The meeting dates and agendas are always listed on our Meetings page.

How to Make a Public Comment

Board meetings are “private meetings held in public” that follow the Colorado Sunshine laws for open meetings. There is a public comment section on each agenda, and any person who attends a meeting may comment. We encourage anyone wishing to address the board with comments or questions to come and do so during this time — usually at the beginning of the meeting. The board is not required to answer questions during this time, and we ask that you limit your comments to 5 minutes per person. Board Work Sessions do not have a public comment section.

How to Join the NSA Board

The NSA Board consists of five Directors that each serve a three year term. Elections are held annually in March. Details about the election process, including nomination applications, can be found on the Elections page. Documents to review include the NSA Board of Directors Policy Manual and Bylaws.


NSA is a charter public school and follows all state and federal policies to operate its school.